Results for 'Olga Campos Serean'

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  1.  22
    (1 other version)Más allá de una concepción instrumental del valor de los animales: la irracionalidad del paradigma humanista.Olga Campos Serean - 1970 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 36 (2).
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    La relevancia de ser un sujeto moral. Comentario al artículo de Mark Rowlands “¿Pueden los animales ser morales?”.Olga Campos Serena - 2012 - Dilemata 9:75-82.
  3.  36
    ¿Igualdad para Los animales? Mejora cognitiva más allá de Los seres humanos.Olga Campos Serena - 2018 - Télos 21 (2):85-98.
    I will take a famous paragraph from J S. Mill as a starting point for defending the idea that moral philosophy has to take charge definitively of those who have been less fortunate in the natural lottery. This means that we must to take seriously the possibility of increasing the capacity for the well-being of nonhuman animals. The aim of the text is to show the relevance of the current ethical debate on enhancement also in the context of reflection on (...)
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    Jimena Rodríguez Carreño (ed.), Animales no humanos entre animales humanos, Madrid, Plaza y Valdés, 2012.Olga Campos Serena - 2012 - Dilemata 9:279-285.
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    Ethics: The Fundamentals.Olga Campos Serena - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 26:325-329.
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    El controvertido papel del requisito de la autoconciencia en la evaluación moral del daño de la muerte.Olga Campos Serena - 2012 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 17.
    Resumen¿Podemos afirmar que una muerte indolora supone un daño para el individuo que muere? En este artículo se analiza el criterio más utilizado para responder afirmativamente a la pregunta. Un criterio que insiste en la necesidad de tener un interés por seguir viviendo. En el artículo pregunto si la autoconciencia requerida para la presencia del citado interés puede ser realmente condición necesaria en un análisis adecuado del daño de la muerte.Palabras claveMuerte, animales no humanos, autoconciencia,análisis privacionistaAbstractCan we say that a (...)
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    La mejora del carácter moral en la evaluación de las técnicas de mejora biológica.Olga Campos - 2010 - Dilemata 3.
    Deberíamos usar las nuevas técnicas biomédicas para mejorar a los individuos? Si sabemos que la naturaleza humana contiene también características que podemos considerar no deseables entonces parece que no habría nada en sí mismo erróneo a la hora de alterarla. Algunos autores interesados en este tema hacen referencia a los daños que ello podría ocasionar a otros. Pero entonces, ¿la mejora moral podría funcionar como un contraejemplo a la idea de que la mejora biomédica es siempre moralmente impermisible? Puede que (...)
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  8.  21
    Francisco Lara y Olga Campos, Sufre, luego importa. Reflexiones éticas sobre los animales, Madrid, Plaza y Valdés / Dilemata, 2015.Gustavo Ortiz Millán - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 48 (141):55-61.
    Tienen razón Francisco Lara y Olga Campos en afirmar en la introducción de su libro que “un mérito importante de este libro es que, de manera muy divulgativa, pretende dar respuestas filosóficas al debate sobre nuestra relación con los animales al aplicar ideas bási- cas a cuestiones prácticas como si debemos ser o no vegetarianos, si hay que experimentar con animales o hasta qué punto son justifica- bles las corridas de toros” (p. 15). Y efectivamente, de una manera (...)
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  9.  48
    Expandiendo los horizontes de la comunidad moral: la incorporación de animales no-humanos a nuestro Ethos. En torno a Francisco Lara & Olga Campos: Sufre, luego importa. Reflexiones éticas sobre los animales, Madrid, Plaza y Valdés Editores, 2015. [REVIEW]Luciana Samamé - 2017 - Télos 21 (1):95-106.
    I offer in this discussion a critical reconstruction of the main arguments that Francisco Lara and Olga Campos expound in their book Sufre, luego importa. Reflexiones éticas sobre los animales, recently released. This writing is divided into two chief sections: in the first one, I provide a brief summary of each chapter´s main thesis and lines of reasoning; in the second section, I make some suggestions regarding the authors´ ethical perspective and also raise certain objections, especially connected to (...)
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  10.  28
    Importando trabajadores extranjeros para la agricultura catalana (España). El caso de Unió de Pagesos.Olga Achón Rodríguez - 2013 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 35.
    La comunicación que presentamos pretende mostrar las consecuencias que el sistema implementado por el sindicato agrícola Unió de Pagesos en Cataluña -por el que se realiza el reclutamiento, importación y suministro de mano de obra extranjera para el campo catalán- produce: un sujeto limitado en el justo goce de sus libertades y el legítimo ejercicio de sus derechos. La política migratoria la responsable del surgimiento de un sistema tal, cuyo germen está en la relación simbiótica Estado/Sindicato, cuyos intereses -la entrega (...)
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  11.  17
    Los retos de la equidad de género en la educación superior en México y la inserción de mujeres en el mercado laboral.Olga Bustos Romero - 2008 - Arbor 184 (733):795-815.
    En el presente trabajo se hace un análisis y discusión desde la perspectiva de género de los cambios en cuanto a la inserción acelerada de las mujeres en la educación superior en México, a partir de la década de los setenta. Mientras que en 1969 las mujeres en México representaban sólo la quinta parte (17 %) en este nivel educativo, desde el año 2000 se llegó al 50 % (en 30 años se triplicó). Más aún, se ha observado una recomposición (...)
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    Mediação e sua interação multidisciplinar para a produção da informação.Cayo Madson Borges Silva de Oliveira, Filipe de Melo Torres, Olga Myllena Diniz Botelho Santana & Francisca Rosaline Leite Mota - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 9 (2):70-85.
    Para o campo da Ciência da Informação (CI), é de grande relevância a discussão sobre o fluxo informacional, que é um objeto focal das pesquisas desenvolvidas nessa área. Por esse motivo, não são estudados apenas os meios e os conceitos, mas as relações que eles têm entre si e as suas mediações, sempre levando em consideração os processos que envolvem sua comunicação, usabilidade e acessibilidade pelo tecido social. Também, observam-se as distintas visões que envolvem a mediação tida na Ciência da (...)
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  13. Arte – Espacio – Lenguaje. Heidegger, Chillida y nosotros.Fernando Gilabert, Teresa Oñate, Patricia Fernández & E. Olga Gómez - 2024 - Madrid: Dykinson.
    El descubrimiento estético del ser vivo del Espacio, el Lugar y el Cuerpo, que se tensionan por contraste con el Vacío, el Abismo y el Caos, según las flexibles y múltiples declinaciones del Devenir, el Tiempo y el Límite, figura entre los más recientes y creativos hallazgos del Pensamiento de la Diferencia actual, pues se conecta esencialmente con el ser del Lenguaje tanto plástico como teórico y práctico, atravesando los universos del Arte y las Tecnologías más inteligentes. Ello afecta, además, (...)
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  14.  89
    Bioethics and Human Enhancement: an Interview with Julian Savulescu.Julian Savulescu - 2010 - Dilemata 3.
    By Olga Campos, Mª Ángeles Arráez, Miguel Moreno, Francisco Lara, Pedro Francés, and Javier Rodríguez Alcázar.
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  15. San Maximiliano María Kolbe: Un hombre reconciliado y reconciliador en los campos de exterminio.Tomás Gálvez Campos - 1986 - Verdad y Vida 44 (174):283-290.
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  16. Peirce on the role of poietic creation in mathematical reasoning.Daniel G. Campos - 2007 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 43 (3):470 - 489.
    : C.S. Peirce defines mathematics in two ways: first as "the science which draws necessary conclusions," and second as "the study of what is true of hypothetical states of things" (CP 4.227–244). Given the dual definition, Peirce notes, a question arises: Should we exclude the work of poietic hypothesis-making from the domain of pure mathematical reasoning? (CP 4.238). This paper examines Peirce's answer to the question. Some commentators hold that for Peirce the framing of mathematical hypotheses requires poietic genius but (...)
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  17.  45
    Recognizing cited facts and principles in legal judgements.Olga Shulayeva, Advaith Siddharthan & Adam Wyner - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 25 (1):107-126.
    In common law jurisdictions, legal professionals cite facts and legal principles from precedent cases to support their arguments before the court for their intended outcome in a current case. This practice stems from the doctrine of stare decisis, where cases that have similar facts should receive similar decisions with respect to the principles. It is essential for legal professionals to identify such facts and principles in precedent cases, though this is a highly time intensive task. In this paper, we present (...)
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  18.  49
    Reflections on an interactive posthumanist panel: A model for future nursing philosophy conference engagement?Olga Petrovskaya - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (3):e12449.
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  19. The individuality of the state in Spinoza's political philosophy.Andre Santos Campos - 2010 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 92 (1):1-38.
    The place of the State in Spinoza's ontology has emerged in scholarly literature as one of the most complex issues involving Spinoza's political thought. At issue is whether Spinoza's State is an actual individual with its own conatus . Some consider it a completely real individual, others say that its individuality can only be metaphoric, whilst others point out the conceptual insufficiency of this polarity for explaining the ontological status of political aggregates and try to overcome it through new concepts, (...)
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  20.  34
    Demarcating Epidemiology.Olga Amsterdamska - 2005 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 30 (1):17-51.
    Although epidemiology as a scientific study of disease in populations claimed an independent disciplinary status already in the mid–nineteenth century, its history in the twentieth century can be seen as a continuous and often contentious attempt to define the field’s social and intellectual boundaries vis-à-vis a variety of neighboring scientific fields and public health practices. In a period dominated by laboratory biomedical sciences, epidemiologists repeatedly tried to spell out how their discipline met the requirements of scientificity despite its focus on (...)
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  21.  47
    Neural systems connecting interoceptive awareness and feelings.Olga Pollatos, Klaus Gramann & Rainer Schandry - 2007 - Human Brain Mapping 28 (1):9-18.
  22.  49
    Autism and the Social World: An Anthropological Perspective.Olga Solomon, Karen Gainer Sirota, Tamar Kremer-Sadlik & Elinor Ochs - 2004 - Discourse Studies 6 (2):147-183.
    This article offers an anthropological perspective on autism, a condition at once neurological and social, which complements existing psychological accounts of the disorder, expanding the scope of inquiry from the interpersonal domain, in which autism has been predominantly examined, to the socio-cultural one. Persons with autism need to be viewed not only as individuals in relation to other individuals, but as members of social groups and communities who act, displaying both social competencies and difficulties, in relation to socially and culturally (...)
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  23.  34
    When interoception helps to overcome negative feelings caused by social exclusion.Olga Pollatos, Ellen Matthias & Johannes Keller - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  24.  61
    Assessing the Value of Nature.Daniel G. Campos - 2002 - Environmental Ethics 24 (1):57-74.
    Henry David Thoreau’s discussion of the highest value of wild apples and my own reflection upon my experience, interacting with the sea and enjoying its products during my Central American upbringing, motivate this discussion of how human beings may apprehend nature’s highest worth. I propose that in order to apprehend nature’s highest value it is necessary to understand the complete transaction between human beings and nature—an active transaction that requires from the human being a continuous movement along experience, reflection, and (...)
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  25.  69
    The Digital Subject: People as Data as Persons.Olga Goriunova - 2019 - Theory, Culture and Society 36 (6):125-145.
    This essay explores the return of the subject in the computational context, which I address as a digital subject. This digital subject encompasses a digital identifier, correlations in data or a data profile, moving between biological characteristics and symbolic expression. I focus on the processes through which digital subjects are constructed by matching, correlating, modelling, as well as how they become enactive. The ways of pulling data together into a digital subject is often presented as a logic of fact, where (...)
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  26.  63
    Posthuman Sustainability: An Ethos for our Anthropocenic Future.Olga Cielemęcka & Christine Daigle - 2019 - Theory, Culture and Society 36 (7-8):67-87.
    Confronted with an unprecedented scale of human-induced environmental crisis, there is a need for new modes of theorizing that would abandon human exceptionalism and anthropocentrism and instead focus on developing environmentally ethical projects suitable for our times. In this paper, we offer an anti-anthropocentric project of an ethos for living in the Anthropocene. We develop it through revisiting the notion of sustainability in order to problematize the linear vision of human-centric futurity and the uniform ‘we’ of humanity upon which it (...)
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  27.  68
    Interoceptive awareness mediates the relationship between anxiety and the intensity of unpleasant feelings.Olga Pollatos, Eva Traut-Mattausch, Heike Schroeder & Rainer Schandry - 2007 - Journal of Anxiety Disorders 21 (7):931-943.
  28.  91
    Cultural Memory, Empathy, and Rape.Lisa Campo-Engelstein - 2009 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 16 (1):25-42.
    Assuming a relational understanding of the self, I argue that empathy is necessary for individual and cultural recovery from rape. However, gender affects our ability to listen with empathy to rape survivors. For women, the existence of cultural memories discourages empathy either by engendering fear of their own future rape or by provoking sympathy rather than empathy. For men, the lack of cultural memories makes rape what Arendt calls an "unreality," thus diminishing the possibility for empathy. Although empathetic listeningpresents gender (...)
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    Partners: Discernment and Humanitarian Efforts in Settings of Violence.Nicole Gastineau Campos & Paul Farmer - 2003 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 31 (4):506-515.
    One hundred years ago, most wars occurred between nations; today, large-scale violent conflict consists almost exclusively of civil wars in which civilians constitute 30 percent of casualties.’ According to a recent World Bank study of conflict, the poorest one-sixth of the worlds population suffers four-fifths of the consequences of civil wars. While poverty is the greatest risk factor determining a nation’s likelihood of entering into conflict, it is also one of instability’s most predictable consequencet—thus, war is a vicious cycle, and (...)
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    Xenocrates on the Number of Syllables.Olga Alieva - 2024 - Ancient Philosophy 44 (1):123-146.
    Ancient critics reproached Xenocrates for beginning his work on the dialectic with a discussion of voice, and until now the question why he did so has never been systematically explored. Neither do we know why Xenocrates counted syllables, as Plutarch reports, and how he arrived at such an implausibly high number. In the first part of this paper, I show that Xenocrates’ interest in voice was suggested by Plato’s discussion of letters in his later dialogues, such as the Theatetus, the (...)
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  31.  50
    Is there nursing phenomenology after P aley? Essay on rigorous reading.Olga Petrovskaya - 2014 - Nursing Philosophy 15 (1):60-71.
    At the bedside, nurses are expected to be precise when they read indications on screens and on the bodies of patients and decide on the meaning of words framed by the context of acute care. In academia, although there is no incident report to fill when we misread or misrepresent complex philosophical ideas, the consequences of inaccurate reading include misplaced epistemological claims and poor scholarship. A long and broad convention of nursing phenomenological research, in its various forms, claims a philosophical (...)
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  32.  22
    Citizen Science and the Politics of Environmental Data.Olga Kuchinskaya - 2019 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 44 (5):871-880.
    In this commentary, I reflect on the differences between two independent citizen approaches to monitoring radiological contamination, one in Belarus after the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident and the other in Japan following the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi accident. I examine these approaches from the perspective of their contribution to making radiological contamination more publicly visible. The analysis is grounded in my earlier work, where I examined how we have come to know what we know about post–Chernobyl contamination and its effects in (...)
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  33. Some prosodic and paralinguistic features of speech to young children.Olga K. Garnica - 1977 - In Catherine E. Snow & Charles A. Ferguson, Talking to Children: Language Input and Acquisition. Cambridge University Press. pp. 63--88.
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    Decolonization of Ukrainian Culture: Vouk Policy or National Awakening?Olga Gomilko - 2023 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 3:49-58.
    The article is devoted to the decolonization of Ukrainian culture as an important factor of nation-building in the European perspective. At the same time, decolonization is a current trend in Western academic thought, which is embodied in social activism, in particular, in the wok movement and the culture of abolition. Postcolonial studies has become an intellectual battleground. These studies draw a new front line in the culture wars. Rethinking Western culture in light of its imperial expansionist past defines the goal (...)
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  35. The Role of Empathy and Compassion in Conflict Resolution.Olga M. Klimecki - 2019 - Emotion Review 11 (4):310-325.
    Empathy and empathy-related processes, such as compassion and personal distress, are recognized to play a key role in social relations. This review examines the role of empathy in interpersonal and...
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  36.  89
    Effects of Valence and Emotional Intensity on the Comprehension and Memorization of Texts.Olga Megalakaki, Ugo Ballenghein & Thierry Baccino - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  37.  26
    Dimensions of Citation Analysis.Olga Amsterdamska & Loet Leydesdorff - 1990 - Science, Technology and Human Values 15 (3):305-335.
    An analytical scheme that differentiates among the various types of cognitive and social functions of citations is used as the basis for an analysis of the results of a questionnaire designed to probe the citing behavior of a group of scientists who had cited one of four papers originating from a single biochemical laboratory. Even when papers fall within a relatively well-defined research area and are based on research conducted within a single lab, groups of scientists to which a given (...)
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    Narrative introductions: discourse competence of children with autistic spectrum disorders.Olga Solomon - 2004 - Discourse Studies 6 (2):253-276.
    This article examines the discourse competence of high-functioning children with autistic spectrum disorders to participate in narrative introduction sequences with family members. The analysis illuminates the children’s own efforts to launch narratives, as well as their ability to build upon the contributions of others. Ethnographic, discourse analytic methodology is integrated with the theory of discourse organization and the weak central coherence account of autism. Introductions of both personal experience narratives as well as fictional narratives are examined. The children were especially (...)
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  39. Developing Politically Stable Societies: Kant and Rawls on Moral Maturation.Olga Lenczewska - forthcoming - Social Theory and Practice.
    While various Kantian influences on Rawls have been discussed in the literature, these discussions have been limited to Part I of A Theory of Justice and consequently to topics concerning a priori ethical considerations and their consequences for political philosophy. In contrast to others who have interpreted Rawls’s Kantianism in this way, I show that what is also at the core of Rawls’s Kantian project in Theory is Kant’s theory of moral development. This theory of moral development, which Kant develops (...)
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  40.  73
    Achieving disbelief: thought styles, microbial variation, and American and British epidemiology, 1900–1940.Olga Amsterdamska - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 35 (3):483-507.
    The role of bacterial variation in the waxing and waning of epidemics was a subject of lively debate in late nineteenth and early twentieth-century bacteriology and epidemiology. The notion that changes in bacterial virulence were responsible for the rise and fall of epidemic diseases was an often-voiced, but little investigated hypothesis made by late nineteenth-century epidemiologists. It was one of the first hypotheses to be tested by scientists who attempted to study epidemiological questions using laboratory methods. This paper examines how (...)
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  41. Beyond Witches, Angels and Unicorns. The Possibility of Expanding Russell´s Existential Analysis.Olga Ramirez - 2018 - E-Logos Electronic Journal for Philosophy 25 (1):4-15.
    This paper attempts to be a contribution to the epistemological project of explaining complex conceptual structures departing from more basic ones. The central thesis of the paper is that there are what I call “functionally structured concepts”, these are non-harmonic concepts in Dummett’s sense that might be legitimized if there is a function that justifies the tie between the inferential connection the concept allows us to trace. Proving this requires enhancing the russellian existential analysis of definite descriptions to apply to (...)
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    Multilingualism at the court of justice of the european union: Theoretical and practical aspects.Olga Łachacz & Rafał Mańko - 2013 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 34 (1):75-92.
    The paper analyses and evaluates the linguistic policy of the Court of Justice of the European Union against the background of other multilingual courts and in the light of theories of legal interpretation. Multilingualism has a direct impact upon legal interpretation at the Court, displacing traditional approaches with a hermeneutic paradigm. It also creates challenges to the acceptance of the Court’s case-law in the Member States, which seem to have been adequately tackled by the Court’s idiosyncratic translation policy.
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    Emotional processing and emotional memory are modulated by interoceptive awareness.Olga Pollatos & Rainer Schandry - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (2):272-287.
  44.  16
    Brave New World.Olga B. Koshovets & Igor E. Frolov - 2020 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 57 (1):20-31.
    The article focuses on the crucial changes that science as an established social institution and an epistemological enterprise is undergoing, the key one is the loss of its monopoly on the production of socially useful knowledge and gradual transformation into something new, which, due to institutional and cultural reasons, we continue to call ‘science’. We suppose that the most appropriate conceptualization of the new phenomenon, which is replacing science as an institution, is “technoscience”, since the technical component in scientific practices (...)
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    Learning about occlusion: Initial assumptions and rapid adjustments.Olga Kochukhova & Gustaf Gredebäck - 2007 - Cognition 105 (1):26-46.
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  46. Analyticity and incorrigibility.Manuel Campos - 2003 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 66 (3):689-708.
    The traditional point of view on analyticity implies that truth in virtue only of meaning entails a priori acceptability and vice versa. The argument for this claim is based on the idea that meaning as it concerns truth and meaning as it concerns competence are one and the same thing. In this paper I argue that the extensions of these notions do not coincide. I hold that truth in virtue of meaning— truth for semantic reasons—doesn't imply a priori acceptability, and (...)
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    If metacognition exists in other species, how does it develop?Ruth Campos & Annette Karmiloff-Smith - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (3):342-342.
    In this commentary, we raise two issues. First, we argue that in any species, the comparative study of metacognitive abilities must be approached from a developmental perspective and not solely from the adult end state. This makes it possible to explore the trajectories by which different species reach their phenotypic outcome and whether different cognitive systems interact over developmental time. Second, using our research comparing different genetic disorders in humans, we challenge the authors' claim that it is unparsimonious to interpret (...)
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    Dialectic of the university: a critique of instrumental reason in graduate nursing education.Olga Petrovskaya, Carol McDonald & Marjorie McIntyre - 2011 - Nursing Philosophy 12 (4):239-247.
    Our analysis in this paper unfolds on two levels: a critique of the ‘realities’ of graduate nursing education and an argument to sustain its ‘ideals’. We open for discussion an aspect of graduate nursing education dominated by instrumental reason, namely the research industry, using an internal critique approach developed by Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno of the Early Frankfurt School. As we explain, internal critique arises out of, and relies on, the mismatch between goals, or ‘ideals’, and existing realities. Thinking (...)
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  49.  22
    Photographing hyperobjects: The non-human temporality of autoradiography.Olga Moskatova - 2022 - Philosophy of Photography 13 (1):119-133.
    In the aftermath of the Fukushima power plant disaster, autoradiography became an increasingly widespread artistic technique for producing cameraless photography. By exposing photographic film directly using contaminated objects and materials, contemporary artists autoradiograph the geopolitics and local histories of atomic contamination due to bombing, testing, nuclear reactor explosions, mining or uranium disposal cells. In my article, I discuss the implications these autoradiographic works have for the concept of photography by drawing on Timothy Morton’s notion of hyperobjects. Being hyperobjective, radioactivity confronts (...)
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    Introducing Vygotsky’s Thought: From Historical Overview to Contemporary Psychology.Olga Vasileva & Natalia Balyasnikova - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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